Benchmarking - Sound

The other performance meter when it comes to cases is noise levels. We measure the noise level of the Gaming Bomb II at a distance of 12" away from the closed chassis with the power supply and heat sink fans turned off. Take a look at our results.

Sound Benchmarks

While thermal performance was above par, it came at a huge cost with sound. The GB2 produced just as much sound with its dual 120mm fans as the Aspire X-Navigator with its four 80mm and one 120mm fans. While connected to the motherboard, both fans ran at a constant ~3200rpm, no matter the temperature of the system.

Benchmarking - Thermal Final Words
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  • CrystalBay - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 - link

    Nice case,but I'll wait for a cheap knockoff, or a CM Stacker. That infrared heat graph is a nice effect though.
  • Operandi - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 - link

    Looks like a very nice case with horribly loud fans.

    Purav; For future reviews it would be nice if you would include more information on the fans, make model, RPM, CFM, ect.

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