Playstation 3 at CES

The closest you could get to a Playstation 3 at CES was behind a revolving glass case that showed off the unit in all three colors (silver, white and black).

The design doesn't seem to have changed at all since we first saw it back at E3.


It's not too surprising to see that Sony now explicitly mentions that the controller is a conceptual design only, given the incredible amount of backlash its unveiling generated.

A video very similar to what was played at E3 was running nearby, but nothing in the video particularly caught our eye as something new.

The one demo that was new however was a Blu-ray demonstration using the PS3. The demo was of software decoded Blu-ray playback driven by the PS3's Cell processor. However the content was MPEG-2 encoded and not H.264, which means that the task of decoding is not nearly as CPU intensive as it could be. One thing we have been very curious about is how well the PS3's Cell processor will be able to handle full bitrate H.264 decoding. Without a doubt NVIDIA's RSX GPU will offload some of the decoding, however it remains to be seen if Cell is enough to decode a full 40Mbps Blu-ray stream without dropping frames.

To put things in perspective, NVIDIA told us that with their current H.264 decode acceleration coupled with the fastest CPUs today they can handle around a 25Mbps H.264 stream.

Index Sony's 4K Digital Projector
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  • quanta - Friday, January 13, 2006 - link

    From page 8:


    Like LCD and DLP technologies, SED displays are fixed pixel displays and there are three electron emitters per pixel. The downside to a fixed pixel display of course is that you end up sacrificing quality if you display content isn't at the same resolution as the native resolution of your display.

    Actually, that only exist if at least 1 dimension of display content dimensions isn't integer divisor of display's native resolution. Secondly, DLP can overcome this by shining at only the biggest subset of mirror in the DMDs that do not cause distortions, then use adjustable sets of lenses to perform zooming, with each set zooming at only 1 axis.
  • Kensei - Monday, January 9, 2006 - link

    Please do a review of this thing when it becomes available. I'd love to see how its output compares to Blu-ray and HD-DVD. I'm sure it's not as good... but just how much worse is what I'd like to know.
  • highlandsun - Thursday, January 12, 2006 - link

    Samsung has pretty good scaling technology, but it seems to me this is something you only need in your display. (And Samsung TVs do pretty good upconversion already.) So, kind of silly.
  • VooDooAddict - Monday, January 9, 2006 - link

    Raptor X.

    I feel so guilty. I'm drooling over a hard drive that costs more then a 7800GT.

    I've wanted a windowed Hard drive for ages though... but don't have the dremmel skills nessesary to add a window to an existing drive.
  • Questar - Monday, January 9, 2006 - link

    Nobody has the dremel skills. Drives are assembled in clean rooms. Beaking the seal will be the end of a drive.
  • Clauzii - Monday, January 9, 2006 - link

    I´ve seen a drive approx. a year ago on the net - modded with blue light - woring - 20Gig. Damn where was it....?
  • Clauzii - Monday, January 9, 2006 - link

    But also found this .. it´s nothing new .......
  • Clauzii - Monday, January 9, 2006 - link

  • Clauzii - Monday, January 9, 2006 - link

    woring = working...
  • Eris23007 - Monday, January 9, 2006 - link

    I've noticed lately that article text seems to disappear a few seconds after page load, frequently when one of the sidebar ads appears. Can't be retrieved except by highlighting it, moving the page back and forth (so it redraws), etc. Happened on a number of articles over the past week or so...


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