Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/6397/apples-ipad-mini-event-live-blog
Apple's iPad mini Event Live Blog
by Anand Lal Shimpi on October 23, 2012 11:20 AM EST11:14AM PDT - Thanks for reading!
11:13AM PDT - We're pretty much done here, off to hands on next! Stay tuned!
11:13AM PDT - Tim is now thanking the Apple teams for building all of these products
11:12AM PDT - Moving to a fall release schedule for the iPad is interesting, transitioning to 32nm for the iPad likely helped force that
11:11AM PDT - It looks like we're done for 2012 releases from Apple
11:11AM PDT - Looks like we'll be closing up soon
11:11AM PDT - Tim Cook is back on stage now
11:09AM PDT - Now showing the iPad mini TV ad
11:09AM PDT - Below is the list of launch countries for the WiFi versions
11:09AM PDT - 2 weeks later you'll see cellular versions, first in the US then gradually around the world
11:09AM PDT - WiFi versions will ship on November 2nd
11:08AM PDT - Both devices can preorder on 10/26
11:08AM PDT - Same price adders for larger capacities and LTE
11:08AM PDT - Starts with 16GB and WiFi for $329
11:07AM PDT - I want an A6 in the iPad mini
11:06AM PDT - Glass on the front is 0.2mm thin, touch is 0.12mm thin
11:06AM PDT - Removed the aluminum edge, wraps the iPad mini in one color
11:05AM PDT - New smart cover for the iPad mini
11:05AM PDT - "Concentration of, not a reduction of, the original"
11:02AM PDT - Now showing a video about the new iPad mini
11:02AM PDT - 10 hour battery life
11:02AM PDT - Lightning connector
11:01AM PDT - 802.11a/b/g/n 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi
11:01AM PDT - LTE supported, same capabilities from the iPad 4
11:01AM PDT - FaceTime HD front side camera, 5MP iSight camera on the back
11:01AM PDT - dual-core A5, likely 32nm
11:01AM PDT - A5 SoC
11:00AM PDT - Talking about internals now
11:00AM PDT - Apple is serious about defending its iPad territory
11:00AM PDT - Comparing iPad mini apps to Android apps on the N7
10:58AM PDT - 35% larger display area compared to Nexus 7
10:58AM PDT - Nexus 7 is thicker and heavier than iPad mini
10:57AM PDT - Now comparing it to Nexus 7
10:57AM PDT - All iPad apps obviously work on the mini
10:56AM PDT - 1024 x 768 panel
10:55AM PDT - 7.9-inch display
10:55AM PDT - Comes in black and white
10:54AM PDT - 0.68 lbs
10:54AM PDT - 23% thinner than 4th gen iPad
10:54AM PDT - 7.2mm thin
10:54AM PDT - Now talking specs
10:54AM PDT - Looks very thin
10:52AM PDT - iPad mini
10:52AM PDT - Now talking about the smaller iPad
10:52AM PDT - No word on physical dimensions, same chassis?
10:51AM PDT - Same configurations and prices as previous gen
10:51AM PDT - Lightning to USB, SD card, VGA and HDMI cables
10:51AM PDT - Lightning connector
10:51AM PDT - 802.11a/b/g/n 2.4 and 5GHz
10:50AM PDT - 2x faster WiFi
10:50AM PDT - This is key, Apple is moving iPad to the same release schedule as iPhone almost
10:50AM PDT - FaceTime HD camera updated, updated LTE coverage
10:50AM PDT - New ISP, 10 hours battery life
10:49AM PDT - doubles graphics perf as well
10:49AM PDT - doubles CPU performance
10:49AM PDT - A6X!
10:49AM PDT - 4th gen iPad?
10:48AM PDT - hooray Phil
10:48AM PDT - Phil Schiller is back on stage to talk about new iPads
10:48AM PDT - iPad with Retina Display, fastest selling iPad of all time
10:48AM PDT - "We are just getting started"
10:47AM PDT - 94% of the Fortune 500 is either testing or deploying iPad
10:47AM PDT - This is clearly designed to address questions about Windows 8/RT in corporate
10:47AM PDT - Now talking about iPad in the business market
10:47AM PDT - iBooks Author available today as a free download on the Mac apps stores
10:47AM PDT - Mathematical expressions, sorry
10:46AM PDT - Publishers can now insert mathematical experts directly into books
10:46AM PDT - New portrait only templates, embedded fonts
10:46AM PDT - Latest version of iBooks Author announced today
10:46AM PDT - Smaller publishers, teachers, universities are apparently using this as well as the big three
10:45AM PDT - Textbooks created with iBooks Author are now in over 2500 schools in the US
10:45AM PDT - iBooks Textbooks are now available for 80% of US high school core curriculum
10:45AM PDT - Talking about iBooks Author, used to make interactive textbooks
10:44AM PDT - Talking about how quickly iPad has made an impact in education markets
10:43AM PDT - Thankfully the new iMacs don't ship for a while, very interested in exploring Apple's SSD caching
10:43AM PDT - Sidenote: There's no way I'm going to have time to review all of this stuff
10:42AM PDT - "iPad accounts for over 90% of tablet web traffic"
10:41AM PDT - Sold more iPads in June quarter than any PC maker sold of their entire PC line
10:41AM PDT - 100M sold in 2.5 years
10:41AM PDT - Two weeks ago, Apple sold its 100 millionth iPad
10:41AM PDT - "It seems like each time we get together there's a new number or new statistic"
10:40AM PDT - Next up: iPad
10:40AM PDT - Done with the Mac updates
10:40AM PDT - Uses up to 50% less power at idle
10:39AM PDT - Ships in December
10:39AM PDT - 27-inch iMac, 2.9GHz quad-core i5, GTX 660M, 1TB HDD for $1799
10:39AM PDT - Start shipping in November
10:39AM PDT - 21.5-inch iMac 2.7GHz quad-core i5, GT 640M, 1TB HDD for $1299
10:38AM PDT - iMac comes with wireless keyboard and wireless magic mouse
10:38AM PDT - SSD caching systems rarely work well, but with a large enough cache...
10:38AM PDT - This will be very interesting to test
10:38AM PDT - Over time it'll migrate that stuff from HDD to flash
10:37AM PDT - All your docs, apps and images will go to hard drive
10:37AM PDT - All software that comes on your iMac automatically fits on flash
10:37AM PDT - Built into Mountain Lion, sounds like SSD caching done Apple-style
10:37AM PDT - Fused into a single volume in software
10:36AM PDT - 128GB of flash storage and 1TB or 3TB HDD
10:36AM PDT - iMac and Mac Mini now offers Apple Fusion Drive
10:36AM PDT - Customers can choose either HDD or SSD
10:36AM PDT - Talking about storage now
10:36AM PDT - SSD or HDD supported
10:35AM PDT - Kepler, quad-core IVB, up to 32GB of RAM
10:35AM PDT - sheds up to 8 lbs vs. previous gen
10:35AM PDT - 40% less internal volume vs previous gen
10:35AM PDT - FaceTime HD camera, better stereo speakers, dual mics
10:35AM PDT - Each display is individually calibrated, Apple has been doing this for a while it seems
10:34AM PDT - 75% less reflection than previous gen iMac
10:34AM PDT - Plasma deposition process for applying the AR coating, need Vivek's analysis here
10:34AM PDT - max brightness over 300 nits
10:34AM PDT - 2560 x 1440 that is
10:34AM PDT - Two IPS display options, 2560 x 140 for the 27-inch
10:33AM PDT - Removed optical drive
10:33AM PDT - Never done something like this on such a large display
10:33AM PDT - Display is laminated to the outer glass
10:33AM PDT - New display, 5mm thinner
10:32AM PDT - Friction stir welding used to make the chin
10:31AM PDT - 80% thinner than previous generation, extends entire length
10:31AM PDT - 5mm thin edge
10:30AM PDT - Now looking at the next-gen iMac
10:30AM PDT - 7 generations of iMac
10:29AM PDT - Probably going to get IVB updates as well
10:29AM PDT - iMac
10:29AM PDT - One more Mac to talk about
10:28AM PDT - Consumes 11W at idle
10:28AM PDT - Both configs shipping today
10:28AM PDT - dual or quad core Intel Ivy Bridge CPUs, HD 4000, 1TB HDD or 256GB SSD
10:27AM PDT - "you knew there'd be something called mini in this presentation"
10:27AM PDT - Now talking about Mac mini
10:27AM PDT - Done with MacBook lineup updates
10:26AM PDT - Old gen non-rMBP will still stick around
10:25AM PDT - Now showing the new 13-inch rMBP ad
10:25AM PDT - Starts shipping today
10:24AM PDT - Starts at $1699 for 2.5GHz dual core i5 with 8GB of RAM and 128GB storage
10:24AM PDT - The 13-inch rMBP is totally made for Haswell, with no dGPU the Haswell version will be the no-compromise version. I wonder if we'll see 4-cores in the next model
10:23AM PDT - Ships with Mountain Lion obviously
10:23AM PDT - dual core Ivy Bridge, HD 4000 (no dGPU), 802.11n, 8GB RAM standard, 7-hour battery, up to 768GB of storage
10:22AM PDT - Now talking internals
10:22AM PDT - New speakers, dual mics, backlit keyboard, FaceTime HD (720p) camera
10:21AM PDT - Now talking about Retina Display support in iLife and Pro apps
10:21AM PDT - 29% higher contrast, 75% reduced reflection, 300 nits at full brightness - IPS
10:20AM PDT - 13-inch rMBP has more pixels than any competing 15 or 17-inch notebook
10:20AM PDT - 13.3-inch display, 2560 x 1600
10:19AM PDT - Retina Display of course
10:19AM PDT - No optical drive, SD card, USB 3, HDMI on the other side
10:19AM PDT - MagSafe 2, 2 Thunderbolt ports, USB 3, headphone, dual mics
10:19AM PDT - Lightest MBP ever
10:19AM PDT - Weighs around 3.5 lbs
10:18AM PDT - 20% thinner
10:18AM PDT - .75" thin
10:18AM PDT - Brand new 13-inch MacBook Pro
10:18AM PDT - Setting the stage perfectly for the 13-inch rMBP announcement
10:18AM PDT - Number 1 selling notebook is the 13-inch notebook, and #1 selling Mac
10:17AM PDT - Talking about the 15-inch rMBP right now
10:17AM PDT - MacBook is up first
10:17AM PDT - Phil is awesome, he always gives us some technical details
10:16AM PDT - Here come the new Mac announcements, Phil Schiller is taking the stage
10:16AM PDT - This is exactly why we've seen such an increased focus on Ultrabooks and Windows 8 recently
10:16AM PDT - Mac is the #1 US desktop and #1 US notebook
10:15AM PDT - For the past year, Mac market outgrew PC market 15% to 2%
10:15AM PDT - Now talking about the Mac
10:15AM PDT - New iBooks available today
10:15AM PDT - Korean, Chinese, Japanese supported
10:14AM PDT - Over 40 languages supported
10:14AM PDT - Tap on favorite quote to share on facebook or twitter
10:14AM PDT - iCloud support in the new iBooks app
10:14AM PDT - Flick while you're reading, words scroll by just as you'd expect
10:13AM PDT - Continuous scrolling support
10:13AM PDT - Today announcing a new version of iBooks
10:13AM PDT - 400M books downloaded since the inception of the store
10:13AM PDT - Now have over 1.5M books available on the bookstore
10:12AM PDT - Speedy WiFi makes me happy
10:12AM PDT - Now talking about iBooks
10:12AM PDT - now paid out over $6.5B to developers
10:11AM PDT - 35 billion apps downloaded from app store
10:11AM PDT - iMessage data also says quite a bit about how tightly knit the Apple ecosystem is, will be difficult for competitors to draw intrenched users away
10:11AM PDT - 275K iPad apps
10:10AM PDT - Messages sent per second is an interesting way to look at engagement/adoption
10:10AM PDT - 28,000 iMessages sent per second
10:09AM PDT - 300 billion iMessages sent
10:09AM PDT - 125 million documents in the cloud just over the last year
10:09AM PDT - Talking about synergy between iOS and Mac devices
10:08AM PDT - Now talking about Mountain Lion and iOS 6
10:08AM PDT - Fastest upgrade rate of any software in history
10:08AM PDT - After 1 month, 200M devices running iOS 6
10:07AM PDT - Likely about to drop some adoption numbers on us
10:07AM PDT - Moving on, talking about iOS 6
10:07AM PDT - Together with the rest of the new lineup, already sold over 3M iPods
10:06AM PDT - Now talking about the new iPods
10:06AM PDT - I somehow need to finish writing a bunch of stuff in between meetings today, did I mention today is going to be packed?
10:04AM PDT - Watching a video of the iPhone 5 launch now
10:04AM PDT - http://www.speedtest.net/result/2260289603.png
10:03AM PDT - Oh wow, the WiFi just got awesome
10:03AM PDT - The most iPhones ever sold opening weekend, and most phones ever sold in an opening weekend
10:03AM PDT - iPhone 5 sold more than 5 million units in the first weekend
10:03AM PDT - Talking about iPhone 5's launch
10:03AM PDT - Getting started with a few updates
10:02AM PDT - Tim Cook just took the stage
10:02AM PDT - After the iPad event we'll also have a bunch of really interesting coverage for those interested in Windows RT
10:02AM PDT - Things should be getting underway any minute now
10:00AM PDT - Seats are almost full, the event is about to begin, both LTE and WiFi are a bit shaky at this point
09:52AM PDT - We are seated!