Final Words

In a past review a reader asked us why we didn't mention Peltier cooling in our list of processor cooling methods. We explained that it was similar in principal to phase-change cooling and not much used these days. Perhaps we spoke a little too soon about excluding Peltier or TEC cooling from our list. In the past, TEC cooling has been criticized because it consumed much more energy - two to three times more - than it could deliver in cooling. The extra energy became more heat to remove from the cooling solution. There has also been the thorny problem of condensation and frost in idle states, and the risk of catastrophic processor failure if the Peltier cooling failed.

Vigor has addressed all of these concerns in their second version of the Monsoon cooling system. Monsoon II combines a relatively low-power 50W TEC with an efficient heatpipe tower cooler. By running the TEC at a target temperature of about 25C and supplementing cooling with the heatpipe tower, they have effectively bypassed all of these problems. Below 25C the fan-cooled tower does all the cooling, while at highest speed overclocks under greatest stress the TEC runs almost constantly and handles the cooling. In between the TEC is turned on, half power, and off depending on the temperature requirements. To prevent catastrophic failure heatpipes cool both the cool and hot plate sides of the TEC.

All of this sounds good, but the proof as always is in the performance. The Monsoon II Lite matched the cooling prowess of the best air tower cooler we have tested, the Tuniq Tower 120, in cooling our test Core 2 Duo X6800. It went on to push the X6800 overclock to the highest stable overclock measured so far with this CPU at 3.96GHz. The overall performance of the Monsoon II Lite moved it to the top of our CPU cooler performance charts. Keep in mind that we have not yet compared the Monsoon II to water cooling, but beating the Tuniq Tower 120 is pretty impressive.

This week Vigor Gaming is introducing the Monsoon II Lite version that we tested. This version replaces a more expensive LCD readout controller with a PCI card controller. The new Lite version is the exact same Monsoon II cooler, but the price is reduced from $149 to a list of about $100 and an expected street price of $89. This is a really excellent value in a package that brings this much technology to the marketplace.

We do have complaints about the noise levels of the Monsoon II Lite. There is no reason this cooler should be noisier than the best tower coolers available. The coupling of the fan speed control with the TEC control generates all sorts of unnecessary buzzing and clicking. While this has minimal impact on performance, we encourage Vigor to fix this annoying behavior as soon as possible. We repeat that this problem mainly occurs during in-between states and it is not an issue at full TEC or full tower cooling. In fairness, though, most operating conditions fall in this in-between state.

The Monsoon II Lite kit is a very innovative cooler combining a TEC and a heatpipe tower. It works as advertised and it appears to correct the issues many have with Peltier cooling. It is not an extreme solution designed to compete with phase-change cooling, but it is effective in competing with the best air cooling and water cooling. Unlike either air or water cooling it is based on a cooling method that can actually create sub-ambient temperatures.

In the end the improvements the Monsoon II Lite makes over a top air cooler like the Tuniq Tower 120 are pretty small. Yes, it does reach a higher overclock than the Tuniq, but it is also a bit more expensive. For those who enjoy technology the Monsoon II Lite is an exceptionally interesting product at a fair price. It also performed as advertised in our tests. When stressed it is too noisy but the manufacturer is working on this problem.

Whether this is the right CPU cooler for you is something you will need to decide. The Editors at AnandTech are, by definition, technology freaks. Frankly, we never mind rewarding innovative products that work, like the Monsoon II Lite, with our hard-earned dollars. This is particularly true when they are also fairly priced and a reasonable value.

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  • hox - Friday, February 23, 2007 - link

    Looking at your evaluation of this cooler, the screen shot you provide of the Nvidia monitoring software shows a Cpu temp of 49C and a system temp of 35C. Since you state you used this software to monitor temps during your evaluation could you please explain how the worst heat sink (intel stock cooler) started at 41C at idle. What heat sink was in place during your screen shot of the nvidia software? Also more information is needed to evaluate the product, in particular what is the fan arrangement in the mid tower case? Fan Number, CFM, size etc. The performance of each heatsink is highly dependent on the supplied flow of air, and there is considerable variability in how each heat sink works with the available flow. Knowing more about your standard set up would be helpful. Finally many users of the Qx6700 cpu have reported a higher initial tempearture value for this cpu. It would be nice to see in your evaluations an assessment of this processor as it typically runs 10 degrees C hotter than the dual core extremes.
  • customcoms - Tuesday, February 6, 2007 - link

    For more information, and real world tests by some of the top overclockers out there, check out this thread:">

    There are real world temperatures AND comparisons with other top cooling, including water. In essence, the results you see here are VERY typical. For instance, processors that would top out at 2.9ghz under HIGH END, CUSTOM WATERCOOLING (TDX block etc.) would then push on to hit 3ghz+ with the TEC. Personally, I'd rather spend the $90 on a the monsoon to reach higher clocks than $300+ watercooling setups, and not have to worry about leakage.
  • Avalon - Tuesday, February 6, 2007 - link

    The Coolit Eliminator sells for about $200, and is similar to the Freezone. I'd definitely like to see a comparison of either. Good review.
  • nickfd - Tuesday, February 6, 2007 - link

    For my next rig, I want to use peltier/TEC, but I dont want a 2 pound block on my CPU. I want to use a 1/2" tube liquid loop with reservoir, radiator, and pump. Does anyone have, or can recommend a combination liquid/peltier block, or could point me in direction to look?

    Thanks much!
  • Wesley Fink - Tuesday, February 6, 2007 - link

    The Coolit Freezone is a liquid/TEC combo. See comments above for more Freezone info.
  • Tiamat - Tuesday, February 6, 2007 - link

    Since the peltier "runs" at about 77 F, and it hits about 90 - 110 F in the summer depending on where you live, I wonder if condensation will become a problem for this circumstance.
  • mpc7488 - Tuesday, February 6, 2007 - link

    If it's 110 degrees in your house, I feel for you and suggest you sink the $89 towards Central A/C.

    In all honesty though, condensation is a concern, my brother smoked 2 machines when experimenting with Peltier cooling, water dripped from the heatsink down into the socket.
  • ViperV990 - Tuesday, February 6, 2007 - link

    Shouldn't the target temperature on the cold side of the TEC be the case ambient temperature around the processor to avoid condensation altogether?
  • cheetah2k - Tuesday, February 6, 2007 - link

    I think that the comparison with the other coolers is very primitive. You should compare this to the likes of the Coolit Freezone or Eliminator as they too are TEC related coolers. I have the Freezone myself, and i enjoy the overclocking boost it gives my AMD FX-60 sitting stable at 3.15Ghz at 1.52v

  • Wesley Fink - Tuesday, February 6, 2007 - link

    We wanted to get a wider variety of coolers in our database before tackling the Frezzone review. It should also be pointed out that the self contained six-TEC liquid cooled Freezone has a retail price of $400 and a street price of around $300. This is considerably more expensive than the $89 street price of the Monsoon II Lite. We have heard great things about the Freezone, and we do have one in the lab for testing. However, it is certainly in a different price category than the Monsoon II Lite, which is closer in price to heatpipe tower air coolers.

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