The Drivers

As we have found in many cards in the current GeForce based market, the SUMA Platinum 64 MB GeForce actually uses the NVIDIA reference drivers as the driver set. While this may not add the functionality seen in cards such as ELSA's ERAZOR X2, it does allow for three major advantages. First, the reference drivers are updated regularly which means that the driver set for this card will be updated regularly. Secondly, using NVIDIA's reference drivers cuts down on the amount of time needed to develop a functional card: an aspect that allowed SUMA to release the card very early in the product cycle. Finally, use of reference drivers cuts cost. Rather than spending money attempting to make a driver set superior to one that can be downloaded free by users, many of whom are choosing these over custom driver sets, SUMA packages the reference drivers to save money on a card that is not very cheap to manufacture. All of these advantages work together to make the reference driver set not such a bad choice in this case.

The taskbar settings do not offer many features, but some are user definable.

OpenGL settings are easy to find and change.


Direct3D settings are also easy to tweak.

Color adjustment.

Overclocking The Test
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  • Dr AB - Friday, May 8, 2020 - link

    I have been reading these old articles for a while now, I do wonder how did they even managed to overclock cpu core & memory core separately? Wish I could knew that.

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